Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
! The Equation Einstein Couldn'T Solve

0025 Between (2)

Between each word, what happens in the mind?
what moves from hearing, seeing, through the worlds
of thought; emotion; both perhaps enjoined;
what depth of silent stillness may unfurl?

! ! Riddle Rap

Didn’t seek it; didn’t choose it;
didn’t want it; can’t refuse it;
so it's up to you to use it;
you must suffer if you lose it;

0173 Memory's Fast Rewind

Sometimes memory
runs back like an instant fast rewind
like it’s said to do at death
and hits you wham between the eyes

! That Bit Of Pinky Stuff On The Carpet

What is it doing on the clean carpet,
that bit of pink something?

Not a curse upon the house-proud

! T H E R E M E M B R A N C E R S

and it’s difficult to say exactly
what they do, or
how useful that task really is

! She And She

they’re ‘close’, we say,
wishing to be fair, kind, just;
wishing not to know too much;
in case this clouds

! In The Spirit Of Rumi - 50 - One Thing

Oh the pleasure, the happiness,
the delight, the joy, the bliss,
of doing just one thing above all!

0068 The Connoisseur (2)

Is there a god
sleeping in this room?

even the doorhandle, gently turned,

0432 Zen In The Art Of...

I thought my tire was flat.

But it was my heart.

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