Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
0249 To Enjoy.

to enjoy the enjoyable. It seems a modest enough aim
and what we're meant to do by human nature, surely? and yet
that urge to set up the next scene, to move on - do you remember
those old films where the heroes were always saying to their side-kicks

Words Worth

0173 Memory's Fast Rewind

Sometimes memory
runs back like an instant fast rewind
like it’s said to do at death
and hits you wham between the eyes

! That Bit Of Pinky Stuff On The Carpet

What is it doing on the clean carpet,
that bit of pink something?

Not a curse upon the house-proud

! T H E R E M E M B R A N C E R S

and it’s difficult to say exactly
what they do, or
how useful that task really is

! She And She

they’re ‘close’, we say,
wishing to be fair, kind, just;
wishing not to know too much;
in case this clouds

! In The Spirit Of Rumi - 50 - One Thing

Oh the pleasure, the happiness,
the delight, the joy, the bliss,
of doing just one thing above all!

0025 Between (2)

Between each word, what happens in the mind?
what moves from hearing, seeing, through the worlds
of thought; emotion; both perhaps enjoined;
what depth of silent stillness may unfurl?

! ! Riddle Rap

Didn’t seek it; didn’t choose it;
didn’t want it; can’t refuse it;
so it's up to you to use it;
you must suffer if you lose it;

! ! Zen And The Art Of Plastic Flower Maintenance

From time to time, when
I’ve been meditating, and
these things matter, I pick respectfully
the plastic flowers from their vase,

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