Michael Shepherd Poems

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But hold on a minute –
who set this league up?

Is it a fair game? Are the teams

! Name This Teddy Bear

In the centre of the window at your local Kidz-r-Uz,
all winking fairy lights, glitter, sparkle and buy-me,
sits a bear. A Teddy Bear.

! P O E T S

and the gift is not
the writing, but the knowing,
knowing poetry

! In The Spirit Of Rumi - 80 - Meditation

To the Lord, my Beloved, I said,
my Beloved: often I pray to You,
but more often, I confess,
it is to ask from You;

! Old Age Discovered

I guess I thought old age
would bring some answers.

But no - it's rich in questions;

! The Heroic Carrot

The floods have ruined the British vegetable growers.
Tough. But
the supermarkets will just buy elsewhere,
we'll hardly notice, apart from TV's brief comment...

! Woman On The Underground

Nondescript – her clothes say nothing
except perhaps, ‘neatish’; hair – just there..
certainly quiet; not hiding behind a book
or newspaper; nice eyes, though;

0012 Creation?

Creation out of
nothing, nowhere, no-whence?

How much more intriguing

! Hertes Academie (A Metaphysical Exercise)

My mistress’ bedde, my wylling scholeroom is,
where I do lerne my eager pupille’s taske;
her scorns, her prayse, to me as equalle are;
her swete chastisement, alle thatte I may aske;

Samuel And Harold Discuss Ovid's Dictum

S You look much the same, Harry
H You don’t look much different, Sam
S Though times change
H They don’t stay the same

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