Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
0029 It's Haircut Day

Oh dear it’s haircut day

I guess I should be grateful –
she comes round to the house

0031 Autumn's Wild, Rough Days

These wild, rough autumn days
as cooling Northern hemisphere
shudders towards its equinox
with gales and rain and blown-off leaves,

0124 A Dead Poet Comments On 'Comments'

of candle-laboured hours and screwed-up eyes,
the quill scratch-scratching, the paper ragged rough, the ink
unwieldy, black and unredeeming

! ! Restaurant

Restaurant; trattoria; tapas-bar;
weinstuben; sushi; cafeteria; eaterie; drive-by; gastro-pub…
what’s in a name? A meal by any other name
would smell as good…

! ! Commentator Steams Through To Gold In Banality Final

If he really wants to win this title
he’s got to really work at it in this race:
is he hungry enough?

! ! Sharing Eternity - For The Sorrowing

It should be so obvious:
all the ‘eternal values’ which we may see
as worthwhile in our life –
these, we share with those who’ve gone before..


Yes you,
the one who’s noisy when
he’s here which isn’t so very often -
you’ll never believe it but

The Honest Man

The honest man, it's said,

does exactly as he says,

0025 How Many Steps To God?

What are you looking at, this moment? ..
You can answer this question?

! Evening Contentment: A Meal, A Temple

and as the thick heat of the day lifts off,
the city comes alive.

What is architecture without shadow?

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