mithun barnwal

mithun barnwal Poems

Leave nuclear, stay clear
It's nuclear theme
Anytime disaster who can begin

The Best Poem Of mithun barnwal

Nuclear - A Curse Or A Bless

Leave nuclear, stay clear
It's nuclear theme
Anytime disaster who can begin

Hirosima - nagasaki, they are told
Now-a-days damaged Fukushima is unfold
Where was the great fault
That no one is able to hold.

Hundreds are killed
Thousands are injured
All baby-youth-oldage
They never be cured.

Fight for life is going very tight
But, how is it right
If it reduces the height of life
& If night covers the light.

Foods are poisioning
Sweaters are affecting -
The world-life.

Cut the throat of nuclear plan
With a great mental knife
To rise a new & life giving SUN.

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