Mitta Xinindlu Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Her Body

The body of a woman 
belongs only to her,  
and not to any man.

Climb That Mountain

There is a mountain placed before us.
It's wide, big; high above the clouds.
With no way around it;
no choice about it.


We're sitting on a hill,
reminiscing about our deeds.
These are mesmerising moments of ease;
scenes are harmonising in keys.

Real Fathers

Fathers who protect their children deserve appreciation.
These are gatherers of food who fend off starvation.
Fees are paid in full; there's never depreciation.
Daughters and toddlers are safe under their nation.

They Say

They say that:
for every action, there is a reaction.
for every positive, there is a negative
for every right, there is a wrong.

We All Stand

We stand in queues,
in line, waiting.
Some of us stand, standing up for something,
while some of them stand, standing up for nothing.

At Sunset

Someone please lend me a veil
To cover this fragile face.
To cover this nakedness now covered with shame.
A black veil is best fitting to wail.

I Also Have A Dream

I dream of forests and narrow rivers;
Of the mountains and fountains of disunited souls.
The cries of the unborn aborted children;
The great distance between lovers.

Dying Inside The Seed

I see no point in dwelling in our thoughts.
I scare the flipping wings off your skin.
Even owls cannot stay awake on this night since we just fought.
You are clearly disoriented when you take your gin.

A Fallacy: My Youth, Our Youth

A voice to my youth,
our youth.
A voice of pain finally released.

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