Mitta Xinindlu Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Song

I hear you, The Song.
I believe in you, The Song.

The Song that heals my body.

To Whom It May Concern

I therefore compile this document
In request of so many reasons or replies
Why is it that you say you love me?
Is it the shape of my body

Unfold This Grave

When you sit in discussion,
Viewing and giving notice to my percussion;
Singing my life,
making it a free style.

Lay Me In The Cemetery

I've seen so much beauty in graves.
A place of absolute peace;
where strain and pain
have no chance to teach.


My favourite colour is you.
You look good on me;
You multiply me by three.
You're bright, you attract.

Don't Look Down On Me - You Don't Know My Tomorrow

This life is unpredictable.
The people who might seem irrelevant and small to us today
might turn out mightier and greater than us tomorrow.
Because this life is all written somewhere, and

These Eyes Refuse To See

I am so hard to please.
Being human feels like a fool's tease.
I keep on asking God to prove His power.
He keeps on giving me a chance to wake up with willpower.

A Child In Every Adult

There is loudness in silence.
But when words are dead, the distance
speaks in volumes.
Like in communes,

Wounds And Love

The black vines of love
hack the breathing lines on cove.
Our drunkard hearts await;
thirsty for loved arts a crate.

There Again

My love is not a mountain.
It is not hard to get to its peak. You get the right ropes,
—obviously strong —
and you get there.

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