Nancy Crossman Poems

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The Lonely Teen

She has all the answers
and time stretches before her like an eternity...
her own truths resonate loudly within her mind
drowning out all whispers of reason

Harley's Dragon Wagon

The most unusual thing you'll ever see
On the road in the land of dragons
Is a little black kitten riding along
In Harley the dragon’s wagon.

The Groom

Like a princess in a fairytale,
A vision in satin and lace,
She stands before him
Teardrops glistening like diamonds

Dancing Naked With Trees

Solitude envelops the little cottage,
Far away from the milieu of the city,
Night has claimed the evening sky.
Birch trees sway in the brisk autumn breeze,

When I Hear A Seagull's Cry

A whisper carried on the warm breeze,
Was it a mermaid’s sigh?
Could it have been my weary mind,
Echoing thoughts as day slips by.

Humanity In Tragedy - Haiti - Earthquake-January 2010

Sadness weighs heavily upon my heart,
Human tragedy, devastating loss of life;
A struggling nation where poverty is an epidemic,
They faced the wrath of nature yet again.

Sonnet To Forever Love

From the moment we met,
It was as if stars collided in the universe.
My world had forever changed
With the cosmic upheaval

Would You?

If you saw me lying in the street,
Would you walk on by?
If I was hungry with nothing to eat,
Would you feed me?

Silent Vows

The rich, ebony shawl of night resting on the treetops.
Only the whisper of the wind in the silence of the dark forest,
A soft glow from the window of the little cottage nestled in the woods,
With wisps of smoke slowly spiralling through the tall white birch trees.

In My Garden

With night slowly drifting into dawn,
My thoughts are chaotic.
As I ponder my continuing journey
On this new day.

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