Naveed Akram Poems

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Lots of goat for dinner
Is all had on a skewer,
My kingdom has survived,
The lids of your eyes


Gangs I say are like no other,
In it varies the bold schedule
Of a thousand nights.
Gag the criminal as he gagged you,


You are sleeping in the bedroom
Foes are in your sleep like a boom.

You need thieves to disappear

Hear The Fortune

Hear him on the road while he sleeps,
On a street of simplicity, and a beggar weeps.

Hear his tears as they fall, like a manager of money,

An Argument

The less is the best,
As of now the least.

I ask for an argument,

They Gravely Live

They gravely live with the masses,
When the crowd is larger than life.

Their wages are sound and honest,

Find Satan

Forging a mail has in this world a finder,
A remark so foul that lords and ladies shall arrive.

In that border is a line or a wall,

Lightning Bolt

Lightning has a property to complicate
The ground as it smacked the air with its tail.
The tail of a dragon has arrived and each eye is seen
By the people far below.

The Fighting

Lull the fighting of a day and a night,
Instead you bless us with peace all too white.

It is saviour and soul that guides the godly nature,

War And Joy

Joy is a product of war, like the fed up world,
Like mania, danger and deceit, all the way too cold.
Joy has decided to show up after all,
In a guise too marked and cruel.

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