Naveed Akram Poems

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Big Hand

A big hand never released the big men,
Their face relaxed, wrinkles deepening,
Gazing started and stopped for they were big.
During the night was a trough, and a crest,

Of Names

To first take notice of my name
Is wanted, when the eyes and ears matter;
Sleeping in the night is heavier than replies,
Stories of ancient nature shall be wept in dreams,

My Face

My face is never finite, never sound,
Like a reflection of the facial characteristics
All on my own.

Chinese Table

May I join you in an hour?
The table seems laid and ready for sweet-and-sour.
The Chinese food is grand to the stomach and taste,
We dine forever in grandness, so much in haste.

Ghosts And Gods

This goal plans each ghost,
They dwell among stone almost.
The ghost is nasty to having depression,
May we delve into the hostages and abduction.

The Lies

Let the gods be forced to religion,
Yesterday we signed a pact with constitution.
Your lies do not affect me as a word and deed,
Let them cheer and also jeer, be a man who has agreed.

Page Of A Soldier

May the riddle of time be effort,
The full moon is upon us alert.
May sanctions miss, tears never fall,
For days are outrun by the soldiers of all.

Righteous One

Fond of leadership and fond of dedication,
My why do we understand this action?
Offered to a leader is then to relapse
Into a putsch, a fraught ability and collapse.

To Adapt

To say and explain we imagine why the one of us shall say,
Your being is held in a fist after fist after fist until we end the day.
This is totally abrupt, a policy to please, a lonely river of time;
May majesty spell my soul without a flower, so the bell does chime.

To Be Adept

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