Naveed Akram Poems

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Her Concentration

She holds her concentration for a second,
The seconds unwind, then bursting occurs
Due to respect and energy of the highest.
The praying fond manager feels emotion,

Passive Breathing

Air passively transports the parts of dust,
They read us as particles of dust and link.
May air be inhaled and astonishment kept
In our fortune and pleasure, the real measure.


Heave and breathe, for the sighs are there,
Fooling not anyone with their lower release.
Breathing is a scientific propulsion so worried in actuality,
May science sign a solution for the frenzy of forgetting.

Water Mouth-Full

A passing ruptured river or stream,
I define terror as this single rupture.
You have found water from utter violence,
Violence from the jungle behind,

Fantastic Stones

Fantastic stones so outlandish,
Them fallacies of the brave,
A pixie will attack a leprechaun,
When the fairy will falter.

Tower Erupted

A tower erupts suddenly, it is volcano.
Severing ties with kin and soldier,
Breaking the bonds of slavery with civilisation.
The towers are full of people, the artless;

Death Argues

Death may argue, fuss and conquer the masses,
Killing is an idea of the devil when used.
It is an obstacle, a day is spent in its memory;
Our memories glisten as diamonds

Abnormal Giants

Abnormal giants display their kettle,
Evil events are enchanting from them.
This familiar inspiration is needed,
Gifts dreamed in the weather of breakfast.

Helmets Donned

May helmets be donned for the best,
A battle rages on, a battle fits itself.
Your wars are in possession for long,
Options existed for the skirmishes.

Burden On Them

I orchestrate burdens on misnamed devils,
Maybe in their minds is a fallacy;
The punishment melds to provide us with danger,
As I avoided the evil well enough,

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