Naveed Akram Poems

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Fill Me With Wisdom

As you fill my stomach with wisdom, I feel the patience,
I see the wrapping of cloth, and my mind seeks glory.
If we can't remember himself like a toy or ghost, we forget
The truth of the being in this world, like a grief or hurt.

Seas Of Ink

I want to wade into the seas of words and writings,
Where are the repeated words? Where are the waves?
By deserting the ocean I mingle with children who fight,
By deserving fright I enter the sanctuary of right and good.

The One Who Loves

If the one who loves me alters me,
I will desert the ones who desire the injustice.
I will describe the toucher of sins,
My fame will be an exile and a trial.

To Sweeten It

With sweet celerity I delve deep into a darker night,
The devilish dell bespeaks with attitude of darkness;
The rich men awaken at the sign of dawn, with great
Dolour, so a dome stands to rectify the atmosphere.

My Dying Strength

My strongest elision bubbles thoroughly,
Like a boiling liquid or a browning gas, an iron
Face or beautiful head, the hair is falsely aware.

Heavens Above

Heavens are above us when stars reign like kings,
The sparkling lights fold in the shadows of the heart.
We see customs uniquely, where are the bears of insolence?
Our light shapes the true worth of majestic beings whose

Peaceful Wrath

From peace is wrath that rattles like a viper,
From love is the hellish pain of absurdity and heights.
What is this evil in the middle of the busy city?
Why do we quarrel and fight over nothing that glistens?

My Tears Are Of Sages

My tears are my rain, my face is of mirrors of milk,
This is my fence of heaven, my factory of bliss.
Divine callers denote their signs in ever-increasing circles,
So my reflection resounds in the heavens and earth.

My Lesson

My lesson is the authority of my soul,
In remembering my thoughts I envisage them.
To see their fatalities, to observe the relativities,
And to barter the kindness is a worthy dispute.

I See The Whale

I see towers of silk and grace about to criticise the onlookers,
It is away, the top tower is away on a journey of sight-seeing.
Then turn in your coffin as you vex the young spirits of healthiness,
This is an internal and eternal tower of peace in the grounds of earth.

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