Naveed Khalid Poems

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A Virtual World

To me, this world is not a thing till date,
nor by time but an arrow let fly,
which oft by self-provoking rumours is run
in the vast sphere of an abstract,

Mona Lisa

The canvas goes blank by more looks to the sun,
and Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, a perfect match;
her exuberant smile; her stealing looks
through many a moon by night,


Then such parting words that unfold her seraph wings of gold,
Against a pastoral background by the countryside;
To fill the whitening page in silent hours of the night,
I stand apart from all the panorama of this world,

Ode To Love I

I'll not show thee, love, in summer's prime,
That by the sun before your eyes,
Hath fled as well in ethereal wings,
What in beauty's look you still behold;

Angel Of Louis

While besate upon the stone
of Bohan,
of strangled looks at midnight lease
this world is but woe-betide,

A Sea-Horse

A Sea Horse

While musing o'er the dale in silent hours
of soliloquy,


(A Tribute To Hamnet Shakespeare)

Of my pulse through unnerved blood in vein,
many a tale is weaved of the world;

A Rocking Chair

No, me not myself to claim
full measured scope
of ill-fetched schemes down the lane
in amber woods,

A Heart-Shaped Kite

I'll not by such voluptuous acmes be moved more
than this world of cut-out trees in the rainforest,
ah, but to spell them thy name of hair-knots
of virgin mother born all woe be mine,


Me needest no witness in thy name,
that in whose enchanting slogans of disparity,
not least be worthy of thy perusal,
this world of a broken heart my shipwrecked dreams,

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