Naveed Khalid Poems

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See! how this world in reality
of the mind,
still through studded feelings arise, arise,
meted out of proportion in disfigured form


Oft am I swayed by this novice feeling,
that in seraph wings of gold,
abides by a promising land of fairies;
privy of a secret beyond the sunrise,

Cascades O'er The Dale

Some dry leaves of book in autumn,
heaven-ward bent,
beneath the sheer taut surface, a broccoli,
along the pavement of cow parsley,


Am I only here to make a show,
and who is looking that by eyes
hath hid himself behind the mirror?
but this world to see through his eye,

Buttons, Buttons

O ye speak not unto me of days that are gone
in silent hours of soliloquy,
no heart can afford from off thy ancient lyre
these yellow-pages of history to e'ery pelted grave

Ducklings I

Of mud-feet in snow, engulfed with
some hallucination of the mind,
no dark can e'er illumine in skipped beats
of my untamed heart and cold where I stand,


You need no man's art, nor no man's work
Best fits in thy nature of things;
But what by love is writ,
Oft bestow'd by Poet's pen,

Nightingale's Song Ii

How can you know but unless I tell you?
All my heart and mind in clouds of rain,
Old stars shed tears to thy keen ear, my love,
A dumb fool! to whom no word is enough,

Nightingale's Song I

That beaker full of heart's desire can never fill,
For as long as there are stars in the sky,
Or men on earth live by thy waking dream;
Nor no one can ever escape thy love,

Cowboy I

Oh! my mind is still catching up with those flies,
you had them all lined up in your beaker full,
wild hovering demons were ready to let out
the mystery of your being, but before I could know

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