Nicole Anne Sia

Nicole Anne Sia Poems

I was on a mission
To find the rarest jem.
I gathered all my friends
And told my plan to them.

We sat together on the sand,
Overlooking the sunset’s view.
And then you slowly took my hand,
Walked on the shore like we used to.

What is it like to be in Europe,
The most wonderful place to be?
What beautiful sights are to await,
This tourist who’d want to sight-see?

Thousand seeds, thousand flowers,
Each one yields different powers.
Each one’s purposes, however,
Must be nourished altogether.

We live in a world that's run by fools
Whose mouths run faster than a hand could write;
Whose hands command another's pen by rule;
Whose pens draft stories but in spite.


A turbulent rainy day was that morn
Of my plane trip off to somewhere.
The perverse weather was truly forlorn,
Requiring patience ‘til it’s fair.

How do we grasp the depth of the deep?
How do we climb the steps of the steep?
How do we say the words of the wise?
How do we break the fake of the lies?

As a kid I always dreamed very high
As though my dreams could touch the sky.
But now, unsure of achieving my dream
Fearing things won't go as they seem.

The moonlight wavered as the clouds drift by
Sprinkled our heads with sheer white snow.
My neigh faltered as I uttered a cry
Seeing things dim, nothing aglow.

I could liken you to flowers
Reminiscing our days of yore;
Also to a tree that towers
Like of friendship's fortitude core.


I’m now at the autumn of my days
Where my wrinkled skin did belong.
I stared at the mirror, soothing my face,
As pigmentations run along.

Where, upon these vows, does forever lie?
Is it in the depth of one’s promises?
Is it the mere act of betrothal tie?
Is it within fidelity’s kisses?

Path ahead's obscure
Dimmed by certain fate.
But is it the cure
Or is it a bait?

The night be dark as the music plays;
Trembling shadows go astray.
The light be gone while the song conveys
A message only shades portray.

Isn't it queer how you and I
Breathe under a similar sky
Yet ponder of various thoughts
That little of which had I sought.

How does the traveler say a 'good-bye',
When along the road she stumbles upon
The backpack of nostalgia and of sighs
She ought to trudge with by the break of dawn?

Empty breaths,
Hollow air
Fills the heart
In despair

Some say the sword is power
For it defends till the core.
To fight fire with fire
Injures the other till sore.

Nicole Anne Sia Biography

Nicole Anne Sia is a young passionate poet who is willing to share to the world her poems. She started writing poems by the age of nine. However, not all poems were saved. Hence, the poems she’ll be posting are the once that are written at the time she started saving them. PS: She normally uses other people's point-of-view (POV) whenever she writes her poems. In some of her poems, she may use a first-person POV. This is to connote a first-hand insight on particular themes she writes about. https: //

The Best Poem Of Nicole Anne Sia

The Rarest Jem

I was on a mission
To find the rarest jem.
I gathered all my friends
And told my plan to them.

They all agreed with me
And thought they’d get their share.
I just nodded my head
But inside I wont dare.

At first, we had to pass
A dark, gloomy forest.
One lighted a candle
To lessen its darkness.

And then we had to cross
A deep, dangerous sea.
And so we built a boat
And crossed the sea safely.

Lastly, we had to climb
Up to the mountains peak.
But when we reached the top,
I slipped and I felt weak.

I heard my friend saying:
“Grab on, and we’ll pull you.”
And they did as they’ve said
And saved my life, too.

We have searched everywhere
But it was not around.
The jem we’re looking for
Was no where to be found.

I heard a little voice
Saying softly to me:
You found them all along
They were surrounding thee.”

“All these friends around you
These ‘rarest jems’ you sought,
Can’t be found anywhere
Can’t easily be bought.”

I felt a little shame
For having that ‘bad creed’
And I then realized
I now have what I need.

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Nicole Anne Sia Quotes

Don't focus on what you intend to do; Focus on whom you want your intention to be meant for.

Sometimes, it's best to let the rain splatter your heart's deepest grudges to loosen up your cloudy soul.

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