nimal dunuhinga Poems

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The Immortal Souls

Gloomy sky is searching her brave twin skyscraper
sadly disappeared on this particular day five years ago
and I hear the lament of Lady Liberty who cries for the grave tragedy.
The loved ones mourn for the loss of three thousand hearts

Hermit And A Sleeping Beauty

He was mesmerized by her leer
and he cannot take his eyes away.
She never let him go to his hermitage
and he feels like strangulation.

The Scaffolding

The poles and planks were erected.
And on the platforms the skinny people work for the buildings.
Day by day the skyscraper goes high with the workers
And they are very close to the Sun, Moon and Stars.

Health Organization, Malaria And The Mosquito

This bloodsucking insect sings in the night its usual melody.
“My dear Health Organization and it’s mandatory I live on human blood
Though I give the disease causing recurring fever what do you called Malaria which I am not aware.
I have the right to live. Isn’t it?

His Poor Eating House

You all can have a scanty meal there
And extremely sorry if the food is not tasty.
Really he is not a cook and the cook is his wife.
She is not well these days and the doctor says

A Comedy Of Error

A couple went to the family doctor
Husband to get his usual insulin dose
And wife takes her contraceptive injection.
There is a new doctor in the absence of the Physician.

The Wintry Alarm Echoed

It's a winter morning in Portugal.
The Sun was faintly visible like moon in hibernation.
In the capital Lisbon I was standing in a queue for hours.
A girl with a Red Jacket who came to the halt hurriedly?

A Sullen Flower And A Sultry Hornet

From a summit a handsome Hornet flies down to a garden and he hears a cryptic cry of a dainty wild Buttercup.
'I am sorry that I am not a virgin anymore' flower nagged.
'It doesn't make any difference to a Flirtatious who prefers a variety of flavor? ' replied the honest hornet.
The old Chauvinist gardener who repents?

A Dreamer's Peninsula

I dreamed on and off few days ago
A passing cloud, honey and salt
Bees and Oceans,
And it seemed to be a fine combination.

The Broken Rainbow

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