nimal dunuhinga Poems

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An Old Florist Still In His Bachelor Status


I remember the days when I was in port of Salalah,
Sultanate of Oman.
I was working in Port controllers building a mountain top.
It's really interesting, you crawled in the midnight and I offered you a bowl of rice,

Let Bygones Be Bygones

My pillow of dreams whispered in the middle of the night.
Do not sleep and write your love story.
The companion must have sniffed something of my whereabouts.
Why I come late to the bed nowadays?

As The Crow Flies

Parakeet And A Bird Hunter

I smell like a Tangerine
my friends were passing remarks at me.
I found the word 'Puberty' in Webster's.
I can see my parents are very keen

Hundred Candles Lit In The Wind

On his birthday the poor farmer dreams
After decades of bitter fighting with crops.
He's raised on grass
But now he sees the pasture

The Stamp Black Heritage Of Anna Julia Cooper

I received a letter from my Attorney saying the case is now scheduled for merits hearing next year,
I relaxed totally but the stamp on the envelope pushed me into some kind of research?
I love History though I am not a Historian.
She must be a prominent figure of the land of opportunity.

I Am Fighting With The Viral Flu

Luckily my beloved suffered a little and escaped.
But I am still fighting.
I was surprised how this microscopic bacteria or invisible virus
Turns a giant a weakling?


Someone's heart-door shuts
And the song of life never comes out.
Someone mutters
But it's voiceless

The Straight Road To Human Zoo

'Hey! Our brother has come from the precarious town
And what can we do for you? ' A Zebra greeted.
'I need some stripes to borrow from you.' I said politely.
'Brother it's not removable and also not durable on your fair skin.'

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