Novia Rika

Novia Rika Poems

The world is sliding over time between celestial spaces
It expanded to form its own original shape
Vivid in the blessing of the universe
Mystically guarded by the wisdom words

The Best Poem Of Novia Rika

The Legacies

The world is sliding over time between celestial spaces
It expanded to form its own original shape
Vivid in the blessing of the universe
Mystically guarded by the wisdom words
The odyssey began to serve the travellers of life
Through fire and water it condensed
Softened the harshness of the globe
Lives were blooming like a sea of flowers
Lives in the sea, land and air
Living days of grace through the season
Artless beauty has risen like a magnificent painting
The colors grew as the source of life
Pour the harmony in mind and soul
For they who honor the sacred creation
It is the legacy of the nature
Civilization has spread from a peaceful prairie to a raw rainforest
From a dreadful desert to an imperishable iceland
Custom differs as the culture’s jewelry
Ancient uniqueness of heredity that lasts long through ages
It is the legacy of human kind
Spirits in hunger has searched the way into paradise
The brightest path of the Prophets, they have revealed with sacrifice
Preaches to papyrus and parchment then paper
They lead them to divinity
It is the legacy of the faith
 These are the legacies of generations
Enshrined in every soul’s sanctuary
A jubilee of enlightened darkness

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