Oliver Wendell Holmes Poems

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At The Pantomime

THE house was crammed from roof to floor,
Heads piled on heads at every door;
Half dead with August's seething heat

All Here

IT is not what we say or sing,
That keeps our charm so long unbroken,
Though every lightest leaf we bring

Meeting Of The Alumni Of Harvard College

Sweet brothers by the Mother's side, the babes of days gone by,
All nurslings of her Juno breasts whose milk is never dry,

ANGEL of love, for every grief
Its soothing balm thy mercy brings,
For every pang its healing leaf,

Bryant’s Seventieth Birthday

O EVEN-HANDED Nature! we confess
This life that men so honor, love, and bless
Has filled thine olden measure. Not the less.

An After-Dinner Poem

IN narrowest girdle, O reluctant Muse,
In closest frock and Cinderella shoes,
Bound to the foot-lights for thy brief display,

American Academy Centennial Celebration

SIRE, son, and grandson; so the century glides;
Three lives, three strides, three foot-prints in the sand;

An Evening Thought

IF sometimes in the dark blue eye,
Or in the deep red wine,
Or soothed by gentlest melody,

Hymn For The Fair At Chicago

O GOD! in danger's darkest hour,
In battle's deadliest field,
Thy name has been our Nation's tower,
Thy truth her help and shield.

Mare Rubrum

FLASH out a stream of blood-red wine,
For I would drink to other days,
And brighter shall their memory shine,

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