Omar Osman Jabak Poems

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My Love Story

Ever since I knew the facts of life,
I've realized how much I needed a wife,
I kept such a dream in my head,
Until she came and me she led,

Eternal Love

Immortal love we always need,

Unkind Brother

All religions praise and commend kindness
All people, young and old, abhor meanness.
Truth is always sought, but often twisted,
By people who are cruel and self-interested.

Done Equal Said

Little can be said,
Much can be done,
Wars are all lost,
Peace will be won,


I have a friend whose name begins with an 'm',
He hopes to own a Mercedes or a B M,
He loves a lady, nice, beautiful, but shy,
He says she thinks he's a gift from the sky,

Two Little Boys

Two little boys swore to holy friendship,
There was no bond to tie them or kinship.
Days went by fast, and they remained true,
They took different paths in life, high and low.


Freedom is people's basic right,
It is older than all tyrants' might,
It is as evergreen as olive trees,
It is the air we need to breathe,

Love At First Sight

We met and let our eyes speak,
We meant to talk, but felt so weak.
'Was it love at first sight? ', I wondered,
'Was it just a mere idea? ', I murmured.

To My Love

Not wealth, or anything I choose,
And hope your love I never lose,
Dear love, you shall always be,
Immortal in my heart and ever happy,

An Existing Half

I thought I was born a perfect all,
With many things at my beck and call.
Days went by and I became me
I thought it was all I wanted to be.

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