Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

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Family Drama

Family Drama

A couple, in their fifties, is coming out of the supermarket,
he sits in wheelchair she pushes him along. He is grumpy,

Shorter And Shorter

Short poems

On paper napkin
I wrote a haiku moment



It is awful poor country, with little to offer but carrots and sand.
Come to think about it very few carrots only brush land and dust.

Tour De France

On my training bike, in the back yard, I won Tour de France,
it only took half an hour. In Paris they gave me red wine,
a medal and my picture in Le Monde. Then I lost it a blood
test showed I was taking Lasix 40. Again my face appeared

Car Bomb

Cars and donkey carts, dust and noise, heat and mob
of humanity in a narrow street...Shoving and pushing

Happy Poems

Two Sadorma poems

Path unknown
Yet walked before

Food In Oslo

Food in Oslo

Before pizza ruined Scandinavian cuisine it was wholesome,
nourishing and tasted good. Ok, so it was plain and it didn´t

Misty Day

Glancing out of the window I see the potted plant
on the sill and the house on the other side of
the road… the light is fading and the plant looks as
sad as a whitewashed wall in rain… its whiteness


Do we love dogs because we can dominate them?
They do as they are told (after some struggle)
and love us unconditionally because they know it
is their only chance of survival; and after a while

Hasty Marriage

Burden of a Hasty Marriage.
He saw her at the cafe she a cup of cacao and eating a cream cake,
he had a sandwich with cheese and ham. She looked up and smiled,
he knew she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

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