Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Long time ago when a man called Goldwater was
running for president, I was walking along a road
just outside Mobile, Alabama. What I was doing

Wedding In Paris

Wedding in Paris

Coming out of the church after the wedding there were
smiles and cameras clicked, from the steps I could look

An Alternative View Of Iran

Once I was in Iran the Shah ruled and his informers were everywhere.
Then came the revolution, much blood, some of it innocent, into
the streets. USA had kept the Shah in power and crushed democratic

Privatization Of Terror

The Privatization of Terror

In Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq bombs explodes,
drones fall killing the innocent. People who live

The Illegitimate Child

The illegitimate Child
Once when juices were flowing like a river
Through my veins promising nothing but disgrace,
I masturbated behind a tree and hit it.

Worth Fighting For

Worth a Fight.
It is no longer about right or wrongs it
is about taking a stand..... Against those whose forefathers
came to this country to escape poverty and tyranny,

A Prince Is Born

A boy baby was born this morn, no not in Bethlehem
or the east end, but in the heart of a land that loves
royals. So what the big deal babies are born; mothers
give birth to them every day, but this is different

Wind Turbines

I see a bank palace
lit up like a planet of excesses,
the glory of the powerful.
I also see a landscape

Greek Sonnet

I write Dionysus poetry
With a dash of Apollo,
This because darksome poetry
Can kill hope

Lower Class

Lower class

When children we were poor, and that was ok,
we knew hunger,

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