Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added

I wanted to be a singer of popular tunes, but I didn’t have
The voice for it, sounded like humpback a whale’s mating
call it was said; how would they know I swam with whales

Small Things

Small Beginnings

To record the simple things in life is important because they are a mirror
of everyday folks life. “A Person collided with a hand cart a suitcase fell

Black-Winged Bird

The Black -winged Bird.
A bird with enormous wing span is darkening
the sky over the Middle east and there is much
bloodshed as always when a new nation is born

The Sky

The Sky
On the flatland on the western coast where the wind
blows unhindered by mountains and forest, I think for
the first I saw how limitless the sky was.

The Man Who Hates Israel

The Man who hates Israel

Today we had lunch at a restaurant called Israel and,
yes it was Jewish but I didn’t see an Islamist bomber


The Unsung
The bus home stopped at a fish factory, women entered
they had been working overtime and the smell of their
work was overpowering and I said nothing because this

Baccalao Sonnet

A Baccallao Sonnet

The man who runs the small cafe at the petrol station
not far from my home, rang he was serving baccallao

Easter Remembered

Easter Remembered.

When the sun glares
there are no shadows the shine

Female Werewolf

Female Werewolf
It was, perhaps it still is, popular to take aerial pictures
of farms, frame them, visit the relevant farms and try
to sell them. I had a suitcase full and walked from farm

Our Future

The was a sea in Russia that disappeared sand dunes,
rusting ships and rib cages of sailors sticking up out of
the ground as a warning, fight nature be prepared to lose.
The Aral Sea it had fish aplenty, now it is a ghostly place

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