Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

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The second cook was in the store room cutting open a crate of prunes,
he used an axe to open it I heard the screams but cowardly continued


I know of a forest where all trees are equally tall
and the distant between them is strangely wide
this so they can get the same amount of sun and

Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictor

This is turning into a diary of a slow death I had another fall
I was taking picture of some Interpretable bushes where I was

Sink Buckets

A sink bucket
Today I forgot to buy milk, black coffee in the morning it is so
easy to remember the past it shines like jewels lost.
It was the winter of 1964, it was dark my brother carried


Are birds with small wings, they can`t fly you to the moon but,
if you keep a hold on its tail it can carry you to the Antarctica and
back to Australia in one day and seven minutes, it is advisable you

Penguins 2

Are birds with small wings, they can`t fly you to the moon but,
if you keep a hold on its tail it can carry you to the Antarctica and
back to Australia in one day and seven minutes, it is advisable you

Differnet Love

Are birds with small wings, they can`t fly you to the moon but,
if you keep a hold on its tail it can carry you to the Antarctica and
back to Australia in one day and seven minutes, it is advisable you

Arab Saying

Arab Saying
If you love her let her go
Love her more if she returns
If she does not comes back

Autumnal Thoughts

Autumnal thoughts
Woke up with a start, the night was cold a dream had disturbed
nightly my peace; a black hole in the ground loose soil from its
edges kept falling into its endlessness. Got up looked out of

The Unredeemed

The Unredeemed
There are flashes when my liberal views falter
and I ask myself, these people like Breivik and
the killers in Ankara and Paris would it not be

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