Paul Hartal Poems

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The River Of Permanence

It is not possible to step
Into the same river twice,
Said Heraclitus of Ephesus.
Since other and yet other waters

Sang Froid

The earl picked up an early peach
Then walked alone to the beach.
He sailed away in a little boat
Leaving behind a one line note.

The Crocodile That Ate Computers

There once was a cute crocodile
He lived happily in the River Nile
He liked the river a lot and its fish
Was really his favourite daily dish.

From Plane To Sphere

They all tried.
They tried to free Euclid of every flaw.
At Bach’s time Girolamo Saccheri did
And Adrien-Marie Legendre later.

Palindromic Flight

bilateral symmetry
elegant fuselage

The Dalai Lama Who Loved Wine, Women And Song

Here the May lilacs blossom in the garden
Their fragrance sprawls in the air of spring.

Yet my mind drifts on wings of a daydream

Tail Chasing

The search
for the meaning of life
Is not unlike a cat
that chases its own tail

Absurd Breast Cancer Prevention

“Surgical removal of the breasts before any sign
of cancer is one way to significantly lower the risk.”
Journal of Clinical Oncology, March 15,2005

Her Kiss

He steers hurriedly the hardened handlebar
The light dims out in a cozy red chamber
A door of dreams opens with a moan ajar
A want of breeze lays layer upon layer.

The Women Of China

Once a crowd of beautiful ladies descended
to the waterfront in Xian and Du Fu saw them.
It was the third day of the third month, the time
of the Lustration Festival. In those days

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