Paul Laurence Dunbar Poems

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KNOW you, winds that blow your course
Down the verdant valleys,
That somewhere you must, perforce,

A Grievance

Wen de snow 's a-fallin'
An' de win' is col'.
Mammy 'mence a-callin',
Den she 'mence to scol',

Ode To Ethiopia

O Mother Race! to thee I bring
This pledge of faith unwavering,
This tribute to thy glory.

A Back-Log Song

De axes has been ringin' in de woods de blessid day,
An' de chips has been a-fallin' fa' an' thick;

A Florida Night

Win' a-blowin' gentle so de san' lay low,
San' a little heavy f'om de rain,
All de pa'ms a-wavin' an' a-weavin' slow,

Worn Out

You bid me hold my peace
And dry my fruitless tears,
Forgetting that I bear
A pain beyond my years.

Dinah Kneading Dough

I have seen full many a sight
Born of day or drawn by night:
Sunlight on a silver stream,

In August

When August days are hot an' dry,
When burning copper is the sky,
I 'd rather fish than feast or fly
In airy realms serene and high.

Signs Of The Times

Air a-gittin' cool an' coolah,
Frost a-comin' in de night,
Hicka' nuts an' wa'nuts fallin',
Possum keepin' out o' sight.

Liza May

LITTLE brown face full of smiles,
And a baby's guileless wiles,
Liza May, Liza May.
Eyes a-peeping thro' the fence

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