Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Australian Bush

I want to go to the Australian bush
And breath the fresh air as a rush
Just hear the kookaburras sing
And the freedom feeling it will bring

The Phantom Fighter

It was 1942 a year after the Pearl Harbour attack
When Hawaiian radar picked up a plane as a fact
So a patrol was scrambled to seek it out
And they encountered a P40fighter flying alone


I awoke in the dark
Not knowing what was my part
Black and white was all
Greys fading as down I fall

What Does It Matter

What does it matter
If each of your waking moments
Is spent looking up
Waiting and wondering

Surveillance Capitalism

The algorithms are at work today
Gathering information of what you do or say
Google and Facebook work away
Gathering data about you in every way

Old Tv Commercials

There was Louie the fly
Who'd want to fly by
There was Madge who
Soaked your hands in Palmolive goo

Fairy Cakes

My grandma really liked to cook
Scones and cream cakes she didn't need a book
And she always let me lick the spoon
Cooking with her was always over too soon

The Modern Electronic Age

The modern electronic age
Means what's online will gauge

Who you are in the world

Tabby's Star And The Dyson Swarm Sphere

Tabby's star is 1300 light years from earth
And at times the light dims by 20% in its girth
This is happening again and scientists are busy
Collecting data whilst the Tabby's Star is hazy

The Other Side

As you get older
Do you see clearer now
Or is it that the clutter is less
Some things that seemed important

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