Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
World - With All

With all of the hatred
With all the tears
With all the suffering
With all the death

Love - Cooling The Passion Of The Night

The soft breeze blows the curtain across the room
As it caresses our bodies cooling the passion of the night
The sun rises across the sea to banish the remaining gloom
And we lay together with the world feeling just right

Tom ‘Diver' Derrick was South Australian born who survived ‘The Great Depression'
By doing odd jobs that took him around but Port Adelaide was his home at his mention
In 1939 he joined the 2nd AIF 2/48th Battalion to defend against the Nazi oppression
As a tough soldier with a larrakin grin who brought thoughtful intelligence to each mission

Ghosts - The Pathway In The Moonlight

The pathway in the moonlight
Shine's like a bright guiding light
And when we are tucked in our beds
The ones who came before return instead

Life - If You Could Have A Day

If you could have a day
Which one would it be?
Perhaps the day you found love
When there were infinite possibilities

War - Ww2 -The Eternal Patrol

The U-boat left the mouth of the French harbour
Under cover of darkness for these German Navy martyrs
To the North Atlantic they went to sink Allied shipping their bent
Their plan was to cut Britain's supply line of shipping without lament

Police - An Ode To Our American Sisters And Brothers

Once we were brave knights who called the bad to yield
With our uniform as armour and the badge as our shield
But that was when it was easy to see evil in the crowd
And serving the community would make us so proud

Love - The One That I Love

Close my eyes and what do I see
The one that I love smiling back at me
Lift my ears up and what do I hear
The one that I love sighing so clear

Life - When Things End What Does It Mean?

When things end what does it mean?
Looking forward or back may be the theme
The good times are held for their simple pleasure
Of mixing together in your life loving its measure

World - I Don't Need

I don't need to feel so very sad
About what I see that makes me mad
I don't need to exclude the few
When they are different from me and you

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