Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life - Your Future Is Yours

In our lives we look forward to the new day
And know the day before will also have a say
Dreams of yesterday morph into your life song
As each sunrise will open new possibilities to belong

Family - My Grandfather, The Blacksmith

My grandfather was a blacksmith
All those years ago in a previous time rift
He toiled in a shop on Grand Junction road
When horses and wagons were the transport mode

Musings - Who Would I Be If I Weren't Me

Who would I be if I weren't me
Perhaps I would have built something to see
Or I would have invented something worthwhile
Then maybe I could make someone smile

Childhood - No Computers Or Cgi

On the side of the Red Hill Bridge at Alberton
Seated on the piece of tin at the top waiting to slide on
No computers or CGI here just plain good fun
As I waited for the push and the slide begun

Haiku - Full Moon Shines

Full moon shines from space
On a warm summer's night sky
So bright there's a shadow.

War - Ww2 - Hitler And The Long Range Bomber

When the Germans invaded the European Low Countries and France
The Allies calculated that the Nazis would run out of fuel in their advance
But they didn't destroy the Belgium or Dutch reserves and they were taken
As the Germans moved forward sweeping as the Allied defenders were forsaken

Science Fiction - The Time Continuum

We work hard together in the Time Continuum
It is 2255 and we have finally exploring history as one
We have cracked Einstein's theories of light that abound
And now we have sent our drones to the past to see what will be found

Life - What Frightens You

What is it that frightens you
Is it being alone with nothing to do
Is it some dark dingy place
Where things that creep and crawl are in the pace

Music - The Beatles Films And Music

I first saw The Beatles on a cold Saturday night
On the ABC Top of the Pops in Black and White
When they sang 'Love me do' with girls screaming
But it certainly was not in fright but with a gleaming

Energy - Green Power

Green energy it would appear
Is the way to slow global warming here
And we have windmills providing power
So that we can have light in the darkness hour

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