Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Australia - Old Time Strine

Hey Jacko it's 'ot toodai
Aye know but whadda ya say
It's a Flammin' Hot Summa
Well Aye diddant know that cobba

Politics - Where Is The Watchtower?

The days are long but we need to guard
What goes on near us in our own backyard
Diligence is needed to keep things safe
Without needing to turn around in about face

Life - Do We Imprison Ourselves In The Past

Do we imprison ourselves in the past
In the knowing of things that try to grasp

Do we play those things over again

Science Fiction - Alone In The World

The motel room was comfortable but not luxurious
I had been on the road for a couple of days in a rush
The end had come quickly and I had made it out
When the population was gone in a flash I knew nothing about

Haiku - Boat On The River

Boat on the river
Sputters by the reeds flowing
Patterns behind ducks.

Words - Running Around In Words

Running around in words
Things only partly heard
Make of it what you wish
Have you heard it then

World - Water For The Planet

We only have two and a half percent
Of useable water in the world that is sent
When ninety seven and a half percent
Is sea water not for our agriculture bent

Life - Pure Logic In This World Of Ours

If there was pure logic in this world of ours
Would it make us unencumbered in deductive powers
When using logic would make things crystal clear
And so our decisions would be quick and so near

Science Fiction - Fiction To Future Science

Science Fiction develops new scientific ideas
By thinking through latest thinking without fear
Communicators from the Star Trek television show
Have pioneered our mobile phones for us on the go

World - An Irish Memory

The cold wind blew from the North
With the rain drizzling for all its worth
It was the third day on tour in Dublin, Eire
Being proud of my Irish heritage so dear

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