Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Thingamebob

We found it on the shelf in a shed
From the dust it had sat as the dust fed
But the gears and cogs still worked around
And it made an efficient machinery sound

Science Fiction - The Message

At a particular time of the morning
When you walked past without warning
A whirling noise came from the cave
With pulsating red and yellow lights it gave

A Knight Against Strife

Stand for the right
It will be alright
Note that you care
And you will be there

Police - The Crash Victim

In the mangled wreck she sat
With the force injured at that
There was nothing we could do
Just hold a hand as she died too

Science - The Red Spot Storm On Jupiter

They are going to study the big red spot
That is a storm on Jupiter raging a lot
For centuries since it appeared
Scientists have wondered the wierd

Grief Is Hard

Grief is hard to see
Crying, remembering what used to be
The person that was is no longer
And it's hard to be then stronger

Police - Too Many Times

Too many times when it's not adequate
To come when it is too late to equate

What needs to be done in bad times

The Shadow People

Just out of your vision's periphery
You see the shadow people moving easily
Some say they are shadows of creatures
In other dimensions that will sometime feature

War - Ww1 - The Torpedoing Of The Barunga

The Barunga left Plymouth, England on 14 July,1918
With 900 Australian soldier invalids for home to be seen
But there was lurkinga U-boat in the Bay of Biscay
And a torpedo hit her blowing the first two bulkheads away

War - Ww1 - Seeing Peter Pan

Saint Dunstan's Hospital for blinded soldiers and sailors
Was in Regent's Park, London and by 1916 had a full house
Of 150 blinded servicemen who were taught how to survive
After being blinded in the Great War battles across the world

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