Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dreams - Dream Baby Dream

Dream baby dream
Of all the things that had been
But remember about the ones
You had when you were young

Ghosts - The Soldier At Fort Largs

I drew duty on the Police Academy gate
On night shift hoping I would keep awake
So I gathered up my things and went down
To the Control Box and looked around

Cars - The Swedish Seatbelt Gift To The World

When you look at the history of seat belts in cars
Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin's idea was not marred
So they gave the three point seatbelt to the world
In the 1950's for car safety the invention was held

Haiku - Rivers Flow To Sea

Clouds to rain falling
To streams flowing strongly on
Rivers flow to sea.

Haiku - Whispering West Winds

Whispering west winds
Heralding a storm tonight
As the front arrives.

World - Should I Write A Narrative Of Modern Times

Should I write a narrative of the modern times
If I am able to get it clear in my mind
When the news of the day is near
The truth of it all may not be clear

Life - Life Is Beautiful

Rejoice in your life
It is yours alone
Don't worry about any strife
It's doesn't last it will begone

War - Ww1 - The Blockade Of The German Ports

One of the strategic plans of the Great War
Was blockading the Germans by closing their door
On any trade with other nations through their ports
With the British Navy patrolling as mobile floating forts

What Are The Ties That Bind

What are the ties that bind you
Is it family, friends or places too
Are these the things that you dream of now
When your head lays down to dream how

Take Your Chance

Don't waste a chance
It may be your time to dance
Take it and do your best
Forget the negativity of the rest

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