Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Comfortable Warmth

After a night in the outside cold
The seeking of warmth doesn't get old

Is the fact we came from Africa Central

The Desirata - Lost Opportunity

In the 1970s I read the Desirata
And we all thought this was what we were after

To go placidly amid the noise and the haste

The Adventure Of Life

Is it a mirror image that I see
And who is it looking back at me
Through the years it wasn't that important
Just to still be there now is heaven sent

Haiku - Perfect Day

Sunshine and bright days
The azure blue stretches on
Perfect day in song.

The Australian Flag

A flag flies on a summer's day
Fluttering against the azure blue
Nationalism in its simplest form
We see the old with the Union Jack


What is the worth of an object to someone
Who obviously thought that it should be won
Maybe it's a bust, a painting or a chair
Placed carefully in their home with care

How Will You Be Remembered

How will you be remembered when you are ended
What will your life have meant once expended?
To be remembered for how well you lived
Was it with generosity you would give

Try Something You Think You Can't

There are easy things to do
To give up and not see it through
Standing whilst you make the call
Wanting something as part of your all

Were You Unkind

Were you unkind as you left me today
Could you tell me that you could no longer stay
Did I miss the words that you had said
Even if they are the ones that I would dread

The Last Breath

She told him with her last breath
That she would always be his
When she parted in death
And he cried don't go - please

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