Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Musings – An Inquiring Mind

You should have an inquiring mind
And explore and look to find
What this world has to offer and see
Because of the wonders that are to be

Music – An Ode To Musicians

Here’s to those who pluck a tune
Or play the keys or with their voices croon
Who will blast a song in heavy metal’s soul
And the Kings and Queens of Rock n Roll

Musings - As Far As You Can See It Will Not End

That feeling that everything is alright
And your family is the safest place
That your mother and father know what's right
And the ills of the world you need not face

War - Ww1 - The Charge At Beersheba

The Australian Light Horse had rode all night
And the troopers were all spoiling for a fight
For they remembered mates lose on the fatal shore
When the Turks defeated the Gallipoli Invasion flaw

Love - Perfect Harmony

Let me lie close by and whisper in your ear
All the things that you are longing to hear
Let me explore your body softly with each sigh
In each other's arms as the night slowly slips on by

Ghosts - The Third Person

When times are hard and all seems lost
And you are struggling with the cost
Loved ones come to you who have passed on
To talk to you and put context to the wrong

Musings - Grief In Purpose

Through this life we trudge
And some things are great and not a drudge
I have my path and compass held
Sometimes it's hard in this old world

Social Comment - The Reader Of Tea-Cups

A friend of my mother's read tea cups
And when I came home from schoolwe would ante up
She would be in the lounge room awaiting us
We would drink our tea and go in without fuss

Life - I'm Tired And Torn

When times are bad
And the world seems sad
I'm tired and torn
To where I find it hard to go on

Musings - Some Days Are Diamonds

Your feet are dragging and it's an effort to go
Even when you are given a nudge you will know
It is an effort and it's hard in your life's call
Why you always seem to be behind the eight ball

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