Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Roads – What Is Dangerous On The Road?

I was sitting in my office and had an email reply
Someone who decided that he wanted to know why
That we did not focus on other deadly things to say
And not talk about using mobile phones whilst driving away

Social Comment – Social Media

We are in the information age it is sure to see
Where you have to sift through to find the truth to be
When Prime Ministers rise and fall
On what they said or what is said about them all


Isn’t it funny that as voters we are now relevant?
When politicians at the next election we may vent
And they will lose their seats in the vote
They start to cut at each other’s throat

Life - The Long And Rocky Trail

With each step you take
You walk to the future you make
The trail can long and rocky
That can sometimes be far from happy

Musings - Revenge Or Forgiveness?

How long does it take to be forgiven?
Do you try to make amends and so be driven
If it is up to me I have had enough
I don't care any more I just want to get on with other stuff

Musings - Workin Through Problems

People look to me for an answer
When sometimes all I have heard is banter
To stand in place and not away to race
Is something that I have had to face

Grief - A Lost Baby On The Beach

Where is the light of good for all to see?
What is it that we strive to do or be?
Is it the truth or justice for all or just for all to be free?
Why should the ones who suffer most be too young to see?

War - Ww1 Vc - Victoria - Albert Jacka, Vc, Mc And Bar

Albert Jacka was a Victorian and a true blue
Who enlisted before Gallipoli as the 1st AIF grew
When the Great War was declared he was a forester
Who worked in the tall trees of Australia in Victoria.

Fun - I've Got A Man Cold

I've got a man cold I'm not very well
And when I see others I have to tell
My nose is all runny
It's so sad and not funny

Science - Life On Mars

So there is flowing water on the Mars planet
That is a prerequisite for life to survive on it
Will it be little green men who are very clean
Or just amoebas that are part of the Martian scene

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