Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Worth A Tell

I sit and hear them in my head
The stories to tell before I'm dead
For there are things to say
Before eventually I waste away

Fading From View

Fading still fading from view
No more wondering what to do
A point to ponder.....still
Draining away is my will

Stand And Stare

Wondering at the world turning
As the inner fire keeps burning
Seeing and taking it all in
Sometimes not knowing where to begin

Your Days Of Chasing Villains Are Over Chief

A Doctor's surgery in North Adelaide
For an examination for me to make the grade
Perusing my X-rays and medical reports
Sitting with the doctor with his ruling retort

Good Or Bad Again

I wanted to start again
To smooth out those bumps I like to defend
But how would that work now
So much has happened I wouldn't know how

The Ghosts Of Silence

Whispering, staring at me
The Ghosts of silence I see
Do you feel them close to you
Just standing watching what you do

Each Passing

One last touch of their lips
Expresses eternal love
It's the parting that's the worse
Not knowing if they will meet again

Rational Thought

Rational thought for today
Blessed are the cheese makers
Or was it the meek
Oh that's good they have such a hard time

The Song Of The Wind

I sat on the beach and listened
As I heard the song on the wind
It told of the things I was missing
As the cacophony of the waves

The Beach

On a hot summer's day
We walked down to the beach
As the blazing sun glistened off the sea
The vendor sold us ice-cream

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