Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Life - Get Your Pound Of Flesh

We gather in our chosen groups and say
What we know is right - so go away
And it is simple for us all to see
As each situation was meant to be

Politics - The Individual Vs The Majority

Politics today seem to be reliant
On who has the best result for people for compliance
With what is best for the individual and not the majority
So the swinging voter is important in the country's jury

Sport - The Great Muhammed Ali

The Black Superman of Boxing never again we will see
Who floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee
Who boxed his way to glory in the Rumble in the Jungle
And the Thriller in Manila was without a bungle

Haiku - Sunlight Through A Door

Sunlight through a door
Highlights the dusty display
As it warms the shed.

World - All Things Must Pass

Chill out they say
But how can I when time is wasting away

Take time to smell the roses

Anger - What Gets Under Your Skin?

What gets under your skin?
Is it the meddling remarks
That are calculated to annoy
Once they see that it has needled

Terrorism - Private Military Contractors

In the gulf between Somalia and Yemen
Two trillion dollars of trade travels from each world end
The sea is thick with pirates coming out from the coast
Looking to steal what they can from their attack post

World - Is Meat Production Destroying The World?

Beef production continues across the world to grow
With 3 billion animals slaughtered for meat in this know
A cow is killed every 30 seconds in the beef producing nations
With the beef industry responsible for 2/3 rds of deforestation

Decisions - Putting It All In Context

Who walks with you?
Is it your life and all you do?
Do you review each step you make
And wonder again why you took the bait

World - The Butterfly Effect

If you could change the past
How would you do it to make it last
Each step that you take will influence other things
And so unintended consequences will be what it brings

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