Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added

The days spill like fine wine
Into the nights
Whilst the sun sets in the west
It seems just right

Life - Just Feelin' Good

What are ya doin'?
Just rockin' along
What are ya sayin'?
Just sing in' a song

Music - Just Playing The Music I Know

Where do I go when I play that music I know
When that harmonies and the guitars flow
It is to heaven to me when I go back to them
The Beatles, the Stones, the Moody Blues don't end

Life - Fill Your Bucket

In you life you fill your bucket
As one drop at a time goes in it
Sometimes it's like rain
Making things grow in quiet refrain

Television - Hot Rod Shows

I like hot rod shows
You know building cars that really go
Taking an old car
Then modifying it to go so very far

Life - The Search For El Dorado

Do we search for El Doraldo
Using our own personal credo
Do we want to find this place
Where we live in God's good grace

Police - The Last Shift

An end to times is what's occurred
No more the blue enforcing the word
Those years in regulation bound
Have ended now in retirement found

Musings - Who Rules You

They say you know who rules you
By knowing who you can't criticise too
But this does not help in our democracy
Because I think that it is easier to see

War - Ww2 - Scurvy And The Ran

Manning Australian man o' wars in the Pacific
Meant long boring patrols that were not too specific
For the Royal Australian Navy who were duty bound
In the first part of the Second World War they found

Life - What Things Would You Save From Today

What things would you save from today
Would it be the people who won't go away
With each laughing and loving moment spent
Remembering as well the tears as they ferment

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