Perdita Young (Hanna Wang) Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Little Bear([gǔ Fēng)

Little Bear

My pet cat's named Little Bear,
Agile, fluffy, smart and square.

To My Stolen Mobile Phone

Where are you now, my mute friend?
Are you happy in the stranger's hand?
You used to be a source of my fancy joys,
Your rings did create pleasure, like all toys.

Necessary Evils

Hustle and bustle each minute of day
Burdened low with trifles entangling.
If stop to wonder and venture ask, as one may,
The reply be: necessary evils, that's the thing!

Everything Sealed By Winter's Hand

If we have to each define
The four seasons left behind,
Then spring is like a map on the sand,
A mystic surely, with her perhaps hand.

Autumn Equinox(Wǔ Lǜ)

It's quiet now under the lamp small,
When the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Still the rain is dripping from the sky,
Slow is the wind where mosquitoes fly.

This Valentine

How should I celebrate, this valentine?
In this mass-produced city of mine,
Where nothing can be defined peculiar,
Though of very delicate design…

Eighty One Petals

Spring is not far off
merely eighty
one petals away.

The Bonds (Sonnet)

I'd break away and shake off the fright,
I'd flee and be gone, not being its prey;
Why should one fear so, of going astray,
When Fate catches the thread of every kite...

Early Autumn([wǔ Lǜ])

五律 秋趣


New Robe(Rú Mèng Lìng)

To the Tune:Like a Dream

A new robe I've bought today,
Soft and supple, light as ray;

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