pIyUsh Daryani

pIyUsh Daryani Poems

The Best Poem Of pIyUsh Daryani


why have you built around urself a wall of enigma,
for u n me its a stigma..

I've been longing to bring u at peace...
But those emotions u never release..
Let me heal u, please!

Why are you punishing urself because someone broke ur trust?
You think it's good to be iron-strng bt don't, you may rust..

Let him not care, ur heart is the gem he doesn't deserve..
Ur is precious, allow me to preserve..

There are people who really love u nneed ur attention..
Bt being rock-hard don't give thm detention..

Your smile is the food, the clothing for my soul..
Seeing u cherish it is my ultimate goal..

I knw fr the heat of un-returned lovethat ur heart has hardened..
But let mine melt u..plz dnt let it abandoned..

You showcase your laugh n a cute smile..bt thts nt the real one, it's just for a while..

For i want you, again, to be the lovable one i loved..
Everytime i want to see ur lips curved

i've always devlared, again i will..
Ill always be there, if ur luck is ill n world still..

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