Peter John Allan Poems

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Danae- A Fragment From Simonides

When now, above the fragile bark,
The howling tempest gathered dark,
And wide the foaming billows spread,


Who says that power is bliss? The glory
Bought by a million's blood for one
To reign, to die, yet live in story-

To Titania, Queen Of Fairyland, St. Valentine's Day

The fairy world is just like ours-
There bloom again our faded flowers;
Transplanted hence by magic spell-
And how, I know - but must not tell.

The Nun's Prayer

BLUE-EYED saint from heaven low bending,
Grant, oh, grant a mortal's prayer,
From her broken heart ascending
Through the silent midnight air.

The Indian Warrior

The Indian to the stake is tied,
There is courage in his eye;
And a smile has curled his lip of pride,

From Anacreon: Ode Xi

What recks it me of Gyges' lot?
His wealth and power I envy not.

A Fragment

Away, o'er the ocean depths, away,
Like a vulture fierce when he scents his prey,
The pirate ship is gone!
The sable flag its shadow threw

A Rhapsody

When from this prison-house of clay
My vexed spirit shall pass away,
To the mighty land of eternity,

A Thought

God gave the eagle wings to soar
Aloft, and heaven's high arch explore
With keen undazzled sight.
God gave to man the winged mind,

On The Death Of A Little Girl

Open, ye gates of Paradise,
Be sheathed, O flaming sword.
She comes, the gentle sinless child,
To meet her sinless Lord.

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