Aristophanes Poems

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Chorus Of Women

They're always abusing the women,
As a terrible plague to men:
They say we're the root of all evil,
And repeat it again and again;

The Call Of The Nightingale

Awake! awake!
Sleep no more, my gentle mate!
With your tiny tawny bill,

Song Of The Clouds (From The Clouds)

CLOUD-MAIDENS that float on forever,
Dew-sprinkled, fleet bodies, and fair,
Let us rise from our Sire's loud river,
Great Ocean, and soar through the air

The Appeal Of The Chorus

If A veteran author had wished to engage
Our assistance to-day, for a speech from the stage,
We scarce should have granted so bold a request:

The Cloud Chorus

Hither, come hither, ye Clouds renowned, and unveil yourselves

The Harvest

Oh, 'tis sweet, when fields are ringing
With the merry cricket's singing,
Oft to mark with curious eye

A Rainy Day On The Farm

How sweet it is to see the new-sown cornfield fresh and even,
With blades just springing from the soil that only ask a shower

The Poet's Apology

Our poet has never as yet
Esteemed it proper or fit
To detain you with a long
Encomiastic song

A Parody On Euripides's Lyric Verse

Halcyons ye by the flowing sea
Waves that warble twitteringly,
Circling over the tumbling blue,
Dipping your down in its briny dew,

The Origin Of The Peloponnesian War

Be not surprised, most excellent spectators,
If I that am a beggar have presumed
To claim an audience upon public matters,

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