cheyenne mccartney Poems

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Sea Fever

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.

I Believe

I believe that the sun shines after the rain
I believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain
I believe in not doing things the easy way
I believe that being selfish doesn't pay

A Farewell To America To Mrs. S. W.

ADIEU, New-England's smiling meads,
Adieu, the flow'ry plain:
I leave thine op'ning charms, O spring,

Christmas Spirit

Put up a splash of Christmas spirit
Put in a dash of love
Stir up the sounds ‘till you can hear it
Sing out to those you love

The Message Of The Wind

The wind comes riding down from heaven.
Ho! wind of heaven, what do you bring?
Cool for the dawn, dew for the even,
And every sweetest thing.

To An Athlete Dying Young

The time you won your town the race
We chaired you through the market-place;
Man and boy stood cheering by,
And home we brought you shoulder-high.

Hero And Leander

It lies not in our power to love or hate,
For will in us is over-rul'd by fate.
hen two are stript long ere the course begin,
We wish that one should lose, the other win;

Deep Ends Of The Sea

The deep ends of the sea,
are like that of infinity,
if believed, it can be found, not by others, execpt by you and me.
don't worry about negative people and their talk,


Come to me when grief is over,
When the tired eyes,
Seek thy cloudy wings to cover
Close their burning skies.


Standing still, feet planted
Body frozen, mind racing
Fear takes over
Like another entity

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