Terrance Upham Poems

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The passion of desire
sentiment of thought

Cost Effective War Precluded

The war rages within
the questions where to begin.

To journey a war within

I'M Unique

I'm unique a
poet with a mystique pen
My flaws are facets
of a cherished personality.

Jack The Ripper

Jack the Ripper
cripple to mame
Hall of Fame.

Succulent Thoughts

The elegant thoughts of a precious mind the computational formula of a wicked demise conceptual seires of theories of a conspiracy to seduce persuasive succulent poetry wicked mistress of promiscuous thoughts succulent dreams aromas of fresh gratuities a blurring of mixtures to blended abstracts.

Funnels draining the gravity of intellectual force to persuade a complete set of cycling ways to convey. The Amoure of flashing movies pictured all in the thought whispering speeds of domesticating breeds many ways a heart bleeds. Bundles of delightful Joys the taste of blissful, many ways eye's see to conceive the thought.

My Ink's Color

My Ink color’s of unique displays dazzling the complex personalities.
Defying relativity by traversing the reversing abilities unique power of words promotes and facilitates never hesitates the perception of reality.
That duality of man’s words criss crosses the perplex mind extrapolation in computational thermal formats.

Provocative Artist

I'm a provocative artist
with the disguise undercover
smooth spits in a spiritual bliss
the humbling harmony of

Ingredients Of Splendid

The ingredients of my poetic art
A blank canvas to start
The articulate artist of
a provocative art.

Poet's Creed

Poets creed
My pen's broadcasting at all times.
My genius and ingenuity
provokes sentiment

Flickering Flame

When the flame of passion
flickers out.
Seducing the mind & ravaging
the body.

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