Paul Abucean Poems

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Bacovia - Lacustrine

For countless nights I've heard the rain,
Heard matter weep and wail with pain,
And solitary, yet again,
My mind recalls lacustrine dwellings.

Antonio Machado: Wanderer

All things pass and stay forever,
yet we pass eternally,
drawing footpaths in our passing,
footpaths on the restless sea.

Death Of The Deer (Nicolae Labis)

The wind has vanished, killed off by the drought.
The sun has leaked on earth and spilled about.
The sky is hollowed out and hot as hell.
There's nothing left but mud in every well.

W. H. Auden - Canción De Luto (Funeral Blues)

Hoy córtenme el teléfono les pido,
No pongan más al piano ni un dedo;
Impidan a los canes el ladrido,
Traigan al muerto. Hoy de luto quedo.

Mihai Eminescu - No Te Vayas...

'¡No te vayas, no te vayas,
Yo te amo de verdad!
Todos los afanes tuyos
Sólo yo sé escuchar;

Caminante, No Hay Camino...

All things pass and stay forever,
yet we pass eternally,
drawing footpaths in our passing,
footpaths on the restless sea.

In Your Language (Grigore Vieru)

Everybody giggles
In the same old language,
Everybody whimpers
In the same old tongue.

William Blake - El Árbol Venenoso

Con un amigo me he enojado:
Se lo conté, ya me ha pasado;
Me ha enojado un enemigo:
Se lo callé, con ira sigo.

Lucian Blaga - Spring's Blooming Frenzy Speaks Abundance

We may, long time from now, remember
this very simple episode,
this very bench where we are seated,
our burning temples jointly bowed.

The West

'And then they come to gratify our nation
With their sagacious mugs of wooly sheep'.
M. Eminescu

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