Samuel Bamford Poems

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The Farewell

Farewell, my native dells and bowers,
Farewell ye fragrant scented flowers;
No more your dewy tints I twine,
My love to deck- with garland fine;

The Warrior's Ode To Death.

Come not to me on a bed
Of pale-faced sickness and of pining;
Oh, clasp me close on the battle-field red,

The Devil's Court. A Fragment.

Now the Devil, saith report,
Once would hold a justice court,
He'd a notion for trying his hand,
He sent constables from hell

A View From The Tandle Hills, In The Month Of May.

The eye of the morning is open wide,
And the sun comes up from the heaving tide
That rolls at the foot of his burning throne,

The Fray Of Stockport.

Ha! han they ta'en our cap and flag?
Whot! han the Dandies ta'en 'em?
An' did Reformers' courage lag,


Most reverend sir, I pray permit,
To approach where you in judgment sit,
A humble, lowly, country bard,

A Sonnet

My daisy sweet is drooping,
Alone upon the lee;
A frost there came in evil hour
And nipt it cruelly.

The Despairing Lover

The winter wind is blowing,
With mournful sigh, o'er moor and dale;
The mountain stream is flowing,
With torrent rush, adown the vale,

The Call Of Wallace.

Oh! come from the valley, Oh! come from the plain,
And arise to the hills of your fathers again;
For a chief hath unfurled his banner on high,

Brandreth's Soliloquy In Prison.

I must die—but not like a slave
To his tyrant in penitence bending;
I shall die like an Englishman brave,
I have liv'd so, and so be my ending!

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