Emily Pfeiffer Poems

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Six 14-Line Poems

PEACE to the odalisque, the facile slave,
Whose unrespective love rewards the brave,
Or cherishes the coward; she who yields

A Prayer To Athena

Athena! I, whom love did once embolden
To worship in that temple wh ...

A Partnership

SORROW, since I perforce must dwell with thee,
Being as thou art, no transient guest, but bold
As cunning to invade my heart, and hold

Of Such Is The Kingdom Of Heaven

Unfathomed depths of pure humanity
Speak in that face, and those enfolding hands
Laid lightly on the clinging child who stands

A Symphony Of Sonnets. I. To X.

BREAK, break, O heart! upon this stony shore
Of Time, for not the most tormented sea

The Love That Dares To Wait

A maiden of a race that heralds glory in, loved one
Whose single arm had wrought more deeds than on their blazon shone;

King Cophetua And The Beggar Maid

A BEGGAR maiden, poor and pale was she,
In whom the King Cophetua saw his fate,
And brought her in, and on a chair of state

Song-The Brooding Birds Are Singing, Love

The brooding birds are singing, love,
And waking up the morn,
And me they wake from troubled sleep
To weep and pray,—to pray and weep.

The Rhyme Of The Lady Of The Rock.

Two shapes passed over the sobbing sea
To land at Dunolly Bay;
One passed at sunrise, one at noon
Of the new-created day.

To Nature


O NATURE! thou whom I have thought to love,
Seeing in thine the reflex of God's face,

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