Zachary Clark Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Loves Power

Love is the feeling in ones stomach of fluttering,
The butterflies that envelop the pit.
The heavy stuck rock in the bottom of ones throat.
Stubborn as a jackass's retarded growth stunted son.

Dear Dairy,

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day I can go anywhere.
I hope the scary people with stars aren't still there.

The True King

In a concealed
Enchanting clearing,
Is a deep Royal Blue river,
That shimmers bright

If Mad Is A Hatter Then Mad Am I

If mad is a hatter then mad am I
We'll riddle a needle to that of an eye
Make monkeys purple and rabbits fly
Then when one of the 'sane' asks us why

Rose Petals

Loves not to be
Loves me for me

Loves not for I

Rose Petal

...........Poem.. Written..Slow..........
...........Thought.. ful.....I.........


Help! Help! Please help me!
I need help...
I am alone in a darkened room
I hear my echoing cries

Never Forget

It is, but the one way
That gate of no return
Deep within Auchwitz

As She Sleeps

Watch the world as it spins unfazed
Day turned night and time slips way
Why I wish this time stood here
For all I want is near

Remmi's Final Act

Which way to turn, which way to sleep
The world isn't done getting everything
I see you here and see them there
But all this curiosity hinders me

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