Christina C Sunrise Poems

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Respect Your Dog

Respect Your Dog
Dogs have feelings like everyone else,
people treat them badly,
thinking they are beneath us.

Interdimensional Selves

When you dream you can help lost souls
psychics do it, and don't really know.
Psychic did it when she was asleep
she was in another dimension where

Save The Polar Bears

Ice caps melting every day
we need to help Polar Bears
We need to Save…
Save Polar Bears by helping

Alias Poem

Many selves we all have
I have different alias for you to understand.
Christina Sunrise writes about planet Earth
Suzae Chevalier writes about life since birth.

Save The Sea Turtles

Turtles follow the light of the moon,
Lay their eggs in the lagoon.
Humans have so many lights,
Hurts sea turtles late at night.

Birds, Birds Everywhere

Birds, birds everywhere,
flying through the sky without care.
Reminding us how graceful life can be,
as they fly from tree to tree.

Be Like The Birds

When we are born we eminate
our past lives through our pores.
We come into this life not knowing a thing
Past life karma needs to be cleansed.

Christina's Dance Fate

On the dance floor I'm notorious baby,
try to catch up with me,
I will be dancing to the beat and harmony,
of M.J. … O.K? ? ?

Consciousness In A Body

We are condensed particles of light-
we can't see it even at night.
Everything in God's creation
has a consciousness without hesitation.

Save The Oceans And Save The Seas

Oil and water do not mix,
this oil slick has no quick fix.
The dark black goo not only affects me and you,
but SEA LIFE in our OCEANS too.

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