Karen Degnan-foiles Poems

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Sands Of Time And Birthday’s Whine

I turn the glass over and watch the sands fall
Creating a mound of memories to recall

I reflect to cherish, the days of my youth

Please Don’t Leave Me So…

Please Don’t Leave Me So…

Please don’t leave me without
When I’m in this lost condition

? ? Why Do People Act Like That? ?

Why do people act so rude?
Is it about some unspoken rule?
By ranting and raising the roof.
When you mess up by a total goof.

Who Am I

I lost the person that I once knew
She took a different path to pursue
A path that I had to go through
And paid my past life adieu

Happy Tears

Isn't it funny how our hearts react?
Our eyes can well up with the slightest attack

You see someone in their happiest state

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is my name
Warding off evil and disdain
Making sure things are alright
And not to turn a blind eye

God Knew

God led us down this path
To learn from this journey
To open our eyes to the truth
To see our own short comings

Last Night I Dreamed Of You

I dreamed of your eyes
You looking at me
I dreamed of your smile
You said I was pretty


It sure is funny how the mind wanders
One minute you're asleep
The next, you're mind flounders

Growing Old Together

It's exciting to see you're catching up to me
For a long time it seemed
The only one aging was me

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