Priyanka Bhowmick Poems

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Under The Rain

He lies under the rain,
feeling the splashes on his face,
rain those whisper him to stay,
bound by passionate dismay.

Illusions Of You

A fairy-tale moment..
What my eyes see, is not true..
But only, the illusions of you.
Within the midnight blues..


She's the bird in the cage
wishing to fly
She's the reality of a dream
hoping to turn it right.

Krishna's Flute

How balmy the hymn of Krishna’s flute
Thy bring out love from the hearts’ root
Thou melody heal the throbbing ones
When dances with thy heavenly foot

Words Of An Empty Sheet

look at my face
ain't I blank?
waiting to be filled up

From An Old Chair

I am the load carrier
they come and sit upon my lap
sometimes taking a small nap
I am the oldie Chair.

Ode To A Book

I look at your empty face
your name written large and bold
standing on the large show-case
and ready to be sold.

The Gust Of The Autumn Wind

Slowly trespassing through the meadow,
I feel the stillness of the earth,
As if time has stopped by,
And the world snoozing with ease,

Hate Me O Angels!

Hate me O Angels!
For I shine no longer,
Being imprisoned in the dark,
I am no stronger.

I Have Seen...

I have seen friends making up and breaking up
I have seen the moist light of daybreak turning tears into smiles
I have seen the stars fall when someone making a wish, and seen them never come true
I have seen a beggar smile, holding a penny that makes his day bright

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